Monday, April 23, 2018

Hello lovelies! I'm trying to push some more posts through because I know I haven't really done much this month. I've been fighting with myself between wanting to and not wanting to. It's not a fun game! I have managed to pop out 8 posts and I do need at least two more.. so I think I'll just consider this a "slow" month. Or, perhaps I will catch up near the end.

Anyway! I have goodies from GachaLand (and I apologize for being late on that again) and a super cute top from Vincue. Hope you like!

{ credits }

Bird Cage | =Zenith=Bird cage with flowers
Build | 1.Cherry house-{C.H}-Succulent plants-Sun room-RARE
Dresser | dust bunny . wanderlust . ivy apothecary cabinet
Flowers | Ariskea[Little Pensee] Poenies Gift Box 1[Decor]
{moss&mink} Bottled Flowers - White
{moss&mink} Picnic in the Park - Daisies
Plant | hive // macrame hanging plant . white FLF exclusive
Pots | CMYK// 2. pottery
22769 - Empty Pots - COMMON
Terrariums | tarte. lightbulb terrarium - plant
tarte. lightbulb terrarium - moss
Windchime | [ zerkalo ] Golden Shade - Teapot Windchime

Brows | Just Magnetized - Slit Eyebrows - set 01 for CATWA @ cosmetic fair
Choker | [ bubble ] Daisy Choker - White gachaland
Earrings | [ bubble ] Daisy Earring - White @ gachaland
Glasses | [ bubble ] Daisy Glasses RARE gachaland
Hair | *barberyumyum*P03(brown)
Hairbase | Just Magnetized - Essential Hairbase - set 01 for CATWA @ equal10
Hairpins | [ bubble ] Daisy Hairpin - White @ gachaland
Headband | [ bubble ] Daisy Cat Ears Headband RARE 
Lipstick | .ARISE. Keri Makeup Set 1 CATWA @ limit8
Mesh Body | Slink Physique Mesh Body Hourglass V2.05
Nailpolish | alaskametro<3 "Spring Fling" nail art - Slink @ spring flair NEW
Overalls | -Pixicat- Casual.Dungaree - LightBlue nr1 (Slink Hourglass)
Pose | Suga-Suga - Asura Bento Pose 2 @ suicide dollz NEW
Ring | [Black Bantam] Daisy's Everywhere Ring - Yellow
Skin | amara beauty - Antonia 03 CATWA applier
Top | Vincue / Cattie Top - Hourglass @ kustom9 NEW

You can also view the post at GimmeGacha.
23 Apr 2018