Saturday, April 21, 2018

Hey dolls! Spring is finally here, I think? I decided to pull out what little holographic items I own and made an outfit with CURELESS' cute top for the Slink petite augment. I'm really loving the Hourglass body. Hope you like~

{ credits }

Augment | Slink Physique Hourglass Petite Chest Augment V1.01
Backdrop | FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Neon City VOL3 White
Blush/Eyeliner | Just Magnetized - Insta Beauty - set 07 powder pack april 
Brows | Just Magnetized - Slit Eyebrows - set 01 for CATWA @ cosmetic fair NEW
Eyes | [ MUDSKIN ]_DOLLY Lens # 6 (CATWA) @ tres chic
Hair | TRUTH / Taja - Candy
Lashes | 
MICHAN - Heidi Lashes [Catwa] for saturday sale NEW
Lipgloss | alaskametro<3 "Sakura" makeup palette - Catwa applier @ bloom
Mesh Body | Slink Physique Mesh Body Hourglass V2.05
Nailpolish | MONS / Spring Collection - Hologram
Necklace | MICHAN - Bommie Necklace S (silver) @ the seasons story

Pose | BellePoses - Hyuna 2
Shopping Carts/Rainbow | [Black Bantam] Basket O' Rainbow Prop Vaporwave Gold
[Black Bantam] Basket O' Rainbow Pose Prop Chrome @ equal10
Skirt | -Pixicat- Flirty.Skirt - Holographic (Slink Hourglass)
Top | CURELESS[+] Trinket Crop Tee / Cottons
21 Apr 2018