Saturday, May 5, 2018

Hey guys! I'm actually doing pretty okay right now other than my ear starting to cause problems. I've just been busy tidying up the other room to prepare it for being used. It should be usable.. soon, I hope. I had to take over in the process to help push things along and that helped immensely.. well, I hope it works out anyway! Here's hoping. My friend is coming to visit in just shy of 10 days now and it's a close call with the stuff being moved out/around. My birthday is also 6 days away! Gosh, time flies.

I had this put together for a little while but once I got online after those long days of moving things, I didn't really feel like blogging. I did finally sit down today after I cleaned most of the day away and set up the post. And so, I have new goods for Gacha Garden! Hope you like~

{ credits }

Couch | 22769 - Patio Rattan Couch - RARE @ gacha garden NEW
Decorations | 22769 - Leather Plate - COMMON
22769 - Amphore with Armillary Sphere - COMMON
22769 - Seahorse Figurine - COMMON @ gacha garden NEW
Grass | Garden by anc dotty wild grass {colorful}
{Imeka} Bush 01 - B {COLOR 1}
Lanterns | 22769 - Paper Balls Light - COMMON
Patio | 22769 - Backyard Patio - RARE @ gacha garden NEW
Plants | 22769 - Amphore with Bowstring Hemp - COMMON
22769 - Moss Bowl - COMMON @ gacha garden NEW
Pouf | 22769 - Patio Rattan Pouf - COMMON @ gacha garden NEW
Rug | 22769 - Patio Rug - COMMON @ gacha garden NEW
Trees | {Imeka} Tree 01 {COLOR 1}

Choker | *PU* Choker Tokyo //  Black Blue Silver
Earrings | .ARISE. Cross Earrings / Black
Eyeliner | Veechi - Glossy Spring Liner [Catwa]
Eyes | [ MUDSKIN ]_DOLLY Lens # 6 (CATWA)
Hair | *Besom~ Pixie Bun
Hair Base | Just Magnetized - Essential Hairbase - set 01 for CATWA @ equal10
Lashes | Suga-Suga - Mona Eyelashes Catwa {applier} @ new in open may 10th
Pose | BellePoses - Gaia 7 @ lost&found
Shorts | LAZYBONES - Rolled Up Shorts - black - Slink Hourglass
Top | .:Avanti:. Jaeda Denim Top - Black (Hourglass)

You can also view the post at GimmeGacha.
05 May 2018