Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Hello hello! Happy May! One of my favorite months. Spring weather has finally arrived and I'm loving it. April went by pretty fast. I have a few new goodies to share today! Also, Gacha Garden looks amazing this round so I might do some extra posts for that this month if I have the time. During the middle of the month if you remember, my best friend will be here for a week. So hopefully I can still squeeze in a few posts while she's here so I don't fall behind! May will be a great month, I hope. Much love. I took today's photo at the beautiful WHINY Cafe.

{ credits }

Collar | MONS / MESH - Extreme Choker (style1) silver
Eye Makeup | Izzie's - Catwa - Applier Shimmer Eyeshadows powder pack february
Garters | .:::G.ID:::. Sayomi Garters Black-Hourglass
Hair | Doe: Tania - Indecisive
Hairbase | Just Magnetized - Essential Hairbase - set 02 for CATWA @ applique
Jacket | {vincue} Bombie+Jacket  [SlinkHourglass]
Lipstick | Izzie's - Catwa - Applier Natural Lips powder pack february
Nails | e.marie // POINTED w/shine (slink dynamic)
Purse | [Black Bantam] Country Tassle Tote Gray *tinted* @ collabor88
Shorts | -Pixicat- Sporty.Short - Shiny (Slink Hourglass)
02 May 2018