Sunday, May 27, 2018

Hi hi! I'm really feeling doing blogposts now that I took a long break that I apparently needed. Who would've thought? Hopefully I don't go straight into crazy-mode blogging again though. Anywho! I have some goodies from C'est la vie, Suga-Suga and mignon today! The set up might look familiar because I made it and used it previously. Still don't have the heart to take down my current set up. Haha. Hope you like~

{ credits }

Bed | Astralia - All in one bed (cute)
Choker | nani // neko artist // bell choker_(wear)
Eyes | [ MUDSKIN ]_DOLLY Lens # 3 (CATWA)
Frames | Wednesday[+] ~ Cursed Lady ~ Frames COMMON
Ariskea [Hue] Frames Woodplank
Glasses | [Cubic Cherry] {Anya} glasses clean
Hair | ::C'est la vie !:: Veer Hair NEW
Lashes | Suga-Suga - Dreamy Eyelashes Catwa Applier lucky board (free)
Lipgloss | Suga-Suga - Cherry Liptint Catwa {applier} lucky board (free)
Mouth Pose | {Imeka} Mouth - Bento Poses 2
Nails | e.marie // POINTED w/shine (maitreya lara)
Outfit | #1"mignon." -sailor overall skirt.[Maitreya exp] RARE @ sanarae NEW
Pose/Pillow | Suga-Suga - Time To Sleep Bento Pose 3
Pillow - Right suicide dollz
Skin | [ MUDSKIN ]_Kira#1_Catwa Mesh Head Applier_S2
27 May 2018