Monday, June 4, 2018

A happy late June to you all. Summer's basically been here early and man has it been warm. Not surprising after such a long winter really.. NY tends to go straight from winter into summer some years.

I guess sometimes it's hard for me to get into the mood to blog even if I have an outfit ready for days.. For whatever reason I've been struggling to get on and force myself to get something done. Usually I just sign on, grab items, and sign back off. Even if my original intent was to put the stuff on and blog it. Perhaps it's also my mood of not wanting to be bothered. Anywho! I did obviously manage to get a photo done. I've got a few new things to show you, so be sure to read the credits below.

{ credits }

Clutch with Puppy[Black Bantam] Chihuahua Clutch Black @ vanity NEW
Eyeshadow-SU!- Smokey Eyeshadow Collection @ lookbook NEW
Glasses | {Kokoro} glasses - onyx .::Cubic Cherry::.
Hair[^.^Ayashi^.^] Ivonne hair @ blush NEW
Lipstick.ARISE. Pea Makeup Set CATWA @ sanarae NEW
Mini HornsSuga-Suga - Plastic Lil Horn @ suicide dollz NEW
NecklaceMICHAN - Mayza Necklace @ the liason collaborative NEW
Skirt | -Pixicat- Sailor.Skirt - Black (Maitreya)
Skybox | Rendez-vous skybox by Abiss design
Top | -Pixicat- Sailor.Top - Black (Maitreya)
04 Jun 2018