Sunday, October 7, 2018

Hello lovelies! Just bringing you some more goods from Sanarae. I really loved AMITOMO's set for this round so that was what I based the look around today. Sorry I haven't had much to say in my posts lately. Mostly just trying to keep up with blogging while also having time for myself, and not really feeling...creative with my writing I guess? Not that I ever thought it was that creative. Hope you like the look!

{ credits }

AMITOMO - LoveHolic Gacha - Maitreya - 9
AMITOMO - LoveHolic Gacha - Maitreya - 17
AMITOMO - LoveHolic Gacha - RARE - HAIR @ sanarae
*CK* Fairy princess heels MAITREYA sanarae
icka & kuriko - kudori eyes // RARE3 (catwa) sanarae
MIDNA - Alice Earring sanarae
:: MOMOCHUU :: CATWA skin applier - Catty - Sugar tea
[NW] Unexplainable Backdrop
violetta. -catwa natural eyelushes applier sanarae
07 Oct 2018