Friday, December 7, 2018

Hey guys! I have new Sanarae goodies, some stuff for Okinawa Winter Festival, and also a set from Florix for this round of the Arcade. I did get this post set up yesterday so I could squeeze it in today. It's been a busy day but I wanted to make sure I had time to get a post in (nearly) every day. I should probably consider doing some ahead of time so I can stay ontop of everything.. while also still having time for games. Time to get my Christmas shopping done. I think I'm probably gonna make it a permanent thing to add a separate photo with just decor, by the way. Then none of the things I decorate get covered by my avi. Hopefully that's enough to show you my uh.. decorating skills, if you can call them that. I think they need some work personally. Enjoy!

{ credits }

andika[Noel Blanck]cake pack okinawa winter festival NEW
BIGBULLY Gift Wrap Set
dust bunny . papasan chair . white wood
dust bunny . present pile
.Florix. Autumn Feel - Rug I - Gold 01
.Florix. Scandinavian X-mas (Books Green//Books Red//Chair White//Gifts - RARE//Stars Gold//Stars White//Table 01//Tree White//Wood Tree//) @ the arcade NEW
Jingle Wrapping Station CHEZ MOI @ tres chic
+Half-Deer+ Christmas Set - Traditional - Presents (Big)
[MALO] Christmas Bunnies (Ball Red//Ball White//Box Blue//Box Green) sanarae

outfit details.
alaskametro<3 "Noelle" makeup - Catwa @ uber
BellePoses - Jane 1//Xmas Lights 1 @ cosmopolitan NEW
[ bubble ] Bell Earrings @ okinawa winter festival NEW
{CowTea} Messy Hairbase [Catwa]
* EXiA * Holly Beret @ sanarae
* EXiA * Olivia Dress sanarae
Izzie's - Maitreya Lara - Cat Tights
[KoKoLoReS] Hair - Trin sanarae
Look At Me. Peony Platforms : Black (maitreya) sanarae
:: MOMOCHUU :: CATWA skin applier - Hina - chocolate tea
{S0NG} Ghost Eyes - Catwa Applier sanarae
07 Dec 2018