Saturday, December 8, 2018

Hm. So no matter what time I manage to go to sleep lately, I still end up waking up around the same time. I'm not sure what's up with that. Anyway! Yesterday, I managed to get some shopping done and got some things for myself as well. I couldn't find my awesome Christmas cards I used last year, so I got some cute new ones and wrote out my letters to send last night.

Today's photo did not turn out how I was expecting it to.. at all. Fortunately, it really turned out to my liking in the end, so I have no complaints. I enjoy working with blue and white shades in the winter time too, so I had a lot of fun. I remember the last time I did one it also got a lot of attention and was another one of my favorite posts. Which I'm happy for, because I put a lot of time and effort into them! And yes, this is a Nightmare Before Christmas inspired set from CURELESS, but I took a more "wintery" approach to it. I kept trying really hard to figure out what I wanted to do with it, so it was put off for a few days, but I'm glad I finally settled with something today. There are other goods as well that are credited below. Hope you like the look! I took the photo at Luane's Winter World.

{ credits }

ARTERY // Snowy Eyelash (Catwa) @ okinawa winter festival NEW
Ascendant - Blacks Bento Nails 07 - Maitreya Beta
CURELESS[+] Christmas Nightmare (Ghost Puppy / WHITE//Skellington Suit / RARE//Vamp Stockings / WHITE) @ epiphany
KMH Hair F104 okinawa winter festival NEW
*{( konpeitou )}* flower
:: MOMOCHUU :: CATWA skin applier - Hina - chocolate tea
*N*Frozen Faun's horns Frost @ we <3 rp
{S0NG} Alaska Eyes - Catwa Applier okinawa winter festival NEW
[VO.Z] Preserve Snowflakes Bento Rings - Maitreya @ girl power NEW
08 Dec 2018