Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Hey lovelies! So I did a bunch of traditional Christmas photos as I normally do, but last year (I think) when I got the Half Deer Christmas tree set, I also got the pastel one and didn't use it, and I thought..well, normally I do like doing pastel photos, so why not incorporate that into the holidays this year? So I did! I went a little overboard with decorating, so I have some extra pictures of that for you as well. Make sure you click on them for better details!
It is getting closer to Christmas and normally I would take a break from here on out til the new year, but I still have things to share with you guys, sooo that's not gonna happen! At least for now. Hope you guys enjoy the super pastel-y Christmas spirit I'm sporting today.

{ credits }

Alouette - Repurposed Door Shelves - Pink
Apple Fall Books - Arrangement 2
Apple Fall Design Books
Apple Fall Tea Tins & Tea Books
Ariskea[PinkAffair] Table of Books
Ariskea[Relaxa] Cherry blossom Candle
Ariskea[Relaxa] Diffuser Pink
-ATTIC- I Wish Shelf Plugged (Pink)
BUENO-Journals Clutter-Pinky
Cherry house-coffee table&Tea set
1.Cherry house-Girl furniture-Pink three-seat sofa-RARE
CMYK (5) i'm pink books
CMYK// 5. pastel snow days
dust bunny . briefcase record player . pink
dust bunny . bunny alarm clock . pink
dust bunny . round desk . pink
dust bunny . unicorn cereal
dust bunny . unicorn donuts
:HAIKEI: Seeing all the lights on / GACHA / {5}//{6} @ kustom9
+Half-Deer+ Antler Stringlights - Pink
+Half-Deer+ Basic Stringlights - Rainbow
+Half-Deer+ Blossoming Birdcage - Peachy Pink
+Half-Deer+ Book Clutter - Shelved//Stack - Pastel
+Half-Deer+ Christmas Set - Princess
+Half-Deer+ Colorful Pens - Assorted Pastel
+Half-Deer+ Coming up Roses - Easel (White + Roses)
+Half-Deer+ Cutie Curling Iron - White
+Half-Deer+ Cutie Flat Iron - White
+Half-Deer+ Dreamrose Princess Bed - Blush Pink
+Half-Deer+ Everlight Votive Candles - Pastels
+Half-Deer+ First Class Kitty - Luggage - Pale
+Half-Deer+ First Class Kitty - Open Suitcase - Ice Cream
+Half-Deer+ Heart Fairylight Balloons - Light - Group
+Half-Deer+ Hot Chocolate Bar Cart
+Half-Deer+ Life is Sweet - Unicorn Sprinkle Jar (Pink)
+Half-Deer+ Neatly Folded Blankets - Pink Floral
+Half-Deer+ Pastel Confetti - Big
+Half-Deer+ Porcelain Unicorn Figurine (Pink Base)
+Half-Deer+ Pretty Kitty Floor Pillow - Fancy - Pink Polka//Dreaming - Pink
+Half-Deer+ Scalloped Counter Table (Pink)
+Half-Deer+ Silk and Pearls Chair - Baby Pink
+Half-Deer+ Slumber Lamp - Cat - Pink
+Half-Deer+ Stringlight Clutter - Heart
+Half-Deer+ Spring Eternal - Mira Fountain - Pink
+Half-Deer+ Sugarbyte Computer - Pink
Kalopsia - Faith's Books Pile
MishMish - Ceramic Friend Pot with Succulents
MishMish - Mini Summer Fridge (candy)
MishMish - My Desk Mailbox w/letters (Rose)
{moss&mink} Love Hideaway - Art Print GIFT
{moss&mink} Magical garland
{moss&mink} Memo center
{moss&mink} Sweet Treasure - Ash
{moss&mink} Tall Drawers
Onsu ~ "Holly" Skybox
{Paper Unicorn} Cricket Cabinet//Dresser -pink
.peaches. Bae's Journal - Pastel
.peaches. Tap That App - Laptop and Books
tarte. ivory bed bench
*Tentacio* After school backpack @ equal10
*Tentacio* morning coffee RARE @ the arcade
-tres blah- Eclectic Collection - Hot Lips Phone (Pink)
Wednesday[+] ~ Cold Days ~ Notebooks & Phone
Wednesday[+] ~ Pink Devil ~ Glowy//Potions
{what next} Toasty Slippers (Group Gift)

outfit details.
alaskametro<3 "Alicia" face skin in Tone 2 - Catwa
[^.^Ayashi^.^] Vivi hair-December VIP group gift
e.marie // Christmas Cutie Set (maitreya)
Just Magnetized - Essential Hairbase - set 06 for CATWA equal10
MICHAN - Merry Necklace (Santa Baby//Snowflake) @ notice me santapai NEW
"mignon." -winter air. equal10
[ MUDSKIN ]_HOLIDAY LIP # 8 (CATWA) @ kustom9
NamiiChu ~ Kawaiikou Bento poses FATPACK (Kawaiikou 3 ~)
WarPaint* Pixie lashes [Catwa]
19 Dec 2018