Thursday, January 3, 2019

Hello lovelies! Hope you've all had a great start to your new year. My trip to the dentist wasn't so bad! But I've dealt with some horrible anxiety all day today, even while I'm sitting here at home typing this up. I'm not even sure why it exists right now, to be honest. Hopefully tomorrow is better!

I have some goods for GachaLand and Okinawa Winter Festival (the 2nd half!) today. Because the 2nd part of the Okinawa Winter Festival ends on Monday next week (it started on Christmas, but I honestly haven't had the chance to blog it yet), I'll try to squeeze the rest of it in as soon as possible. Make sure you head over to the event because the time is going quickly! Also, here's a shot of just the decor~ Make sure you click on it for the full view size.

{ credits }

BellePoses - Natacha 1
bonbon - kelly hair
Ghoul - Rinkusu Neon Ears//Necklace - UltraViolet (Black) @ okinawa new year festival
**Honey*Soul**Onepiece-Noelle(Maitreya) @ okinawa new year festival
lassitude & ennui Dark desire boots - black gold
:: MOMOCHUU :: CATWA skin applier - Hina - chocolate tea
Oubliette- Boudoir Set (Books//Chair//Chandelier//Drapes//Dressing Screen//Pillows//Print Dream Potion/Print Palmestry/Print Planchette//RARE Bed//RARE Vanity//Rug//Sidetable//Tufted Ottoman//Wall Lamp) @ gachaland NEW
{S0NG} Anim Eyes - Catwa Applier @ okinawa new year festival
VARONIS - Stockholm Studio Apartment

You can also view the post at GimmeGacha.
03 Jan 2019