Friday, March 29, 2019

Hey guys! Here's my last post for the month. Imaginarium will close on the 31st. Sorry I kinda squeezed it in very close to the end. I spent the last couple of days just chilling with friends and relaxing and figured I would get to it when I could. This gacha is for Imaginarium, and it inspired me to look up some walk-in closet ideas (I've never had a walk-in closet in my life, but I've seen so many cool ideas for them) so I added in a little bit to complete the look and keep it from looking a little bland (on the area surrounding it). I'd love to own one of my own someday! But for something more realistic and achievable, I'd love to redecorate my current bedroom/living space. The other night I actually stayed up til 7AM (I've actually been doing that for a few weeks..) and drew out some plans for what I'd like to do when the room is, well, actually "mine" again. Aka, my sisters' boxes and junk are out of here. That may be soon-ish? Within the next few months. Hopefully.
I also have a newer release (sorry I kind of forgot about it) from Onsu known as the Bridgewater house! It's a very spacious and lovely home much like Onsu's other houses. Here's a shot of the outside as well, since I couldn't fit it in with these shots. Don't forget to click on the photos for close ups! Hope you have a lovely weekend and rest of your March!

{ credits }

Ariskea[Succulente] Cat Dotty
FOXCITY. Photo Booth - #MyWardrobe - Cage Chandelier//Ottoman
-Nomi-Princess Closet-Island Cabinet(Light)//Shoe Box(Light)
Onsu ~ "Bridgewater" House ~ Washed
Pixel Mode - Amelia - Pixel Mode - Jewelry Tray RARE//Perfume Atomizer
Pixel Mode - Emily's Garden - Cage Fairy Lights RARE
*:..Silvery K..:*Shabby Chic(Gypsophila in basket)18//(Torso_W)1
{Why Not?} Nairn Wardobe Set (#1-22) @ imaginarium

You can also view the post at GimmeGacha.
29 Mar 2019