Sunday, April 7, 2019

Hello! It's already almost the middle of April. Long time no see, right? Yeah.. I keep needing breaks, I guess. I'm going to try and keep it on the low down this month blogging-wise, but I'll still be sure to blog what is needed. It's been busy, not gonna lie. Don't worry, I won't be announcing that I'm leaving blogging or anything. I'm still here! I'll actually be taking another week off later next month, since waifu is coming to visit again! I just need a lot of time to myself and I've been really productive outside of Second Life. Let's just say, it resulted in a lot of cleaning, which mostly was needed due to being too depressed to get up and clean up on a daily basis. Most of that was laundry related.. but now the room is nice and clean for the most part. I think next will be going through clothes and figuring out what I don't wear anymore so I can donate it.

Anywho! Today's goodies are from Pure Poison, Candy Kitten, Aurealis, MICHAN, and Stardust! Lots and lots of goods today, just so I can be sure to keep up with everything. Hope you like!

{ credits }

A&R Model Pose3-1
Aurealis Jewellery. Cancer Earrings. @ ace
*Candy Kitten* Belinda dress MAITREYA @ ace
+ Demon Spit // Himiko Igari Eye Makeup / Saccharine [OMEGA]
FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Limitless
GENUS Project - Genus Head - Baby Face W001 - v1.6 - Mocap
{HIME*DREAM} Ayane Skin Applier Genus - Medium
Just Magnetized - Essential Hairbase - set 08 for GENUS @ equal10
LOTUS. Camouflage Eyes 13 (Genus)
MICHAN - Casey Choker
:: MOMOCHUU :: GENUS Lips applier - SODA Set
Pure Poison - Eileen Sandals - Maitreya @ faMESHed NEW
Stardust - Evelyn - Black Tattoo @ uber
07 Apr 2019