Tuesday, April 9, 2019

{ credits }

Ascendant - Kozma Bento Nails - Maitreya Beta
Blah. [Piggy Phone] With Pose VIP group gift
+ Demon Spit // Himiko Igari Eye Makeup / Saccharine [OMEGA]
GENUS Project - Genus Head - Baby Face W001 - v1.6 - Mocap
{HIME*DREAM} Ayane Skin Applier Genus - Medium
[Lomomo] Emma dress//ribbon @ the seasons story open tomorrow
MICHAN - Marion Lashes [Genus]
:: MOMOCHUU :: GENUS Lips applier - SODA Set
.PINKI. Take a Selfie 04
pr!tty - Girim - :Short: - [Bang B]
-SU!- Ekrabetha Eyes

Photo taken at Luanes Spring World.