Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Hey guys! My best friend is coming to visit me again in a couple months! She just booked the ticket today. And before that happens, my sister and I are going to clear out the other room and I'll be moving into that one now that the ceiling downstairs is fixed. It has way more space and more room for everything. And a place for me to put a desk for my PC. A lot of things are coming up that I can look forward to, I guess! I'm also working on eating healthy and getting myself into better shape, because man did it fall into a deep hole the past 6 months.

Still going strong with the Skin Fair posts btw. Just need a small break here and there. And to not stall or procrastinate with the post I guess. I could not for the life of me figure out what I wanted to do with the main photo I was taking today and ended up redoing it. Maybe it was a lack of inspiration. Sometimes that happens. It did turn out much better than the original, and I'm glad I didn't give up on it today. I do need to get my butt onto covering Imaginarium as well, I know, and I promise I'll be doing that very shortly. Expect an overload of posts this month, haha. I know I don't normally do more than maybe.. half a month's worth? And I did say I wanted to change the amount of posts I do for my new year's resolution to a larger end result. Skin Fair should help with that immensely, at least for this month.

Anywho! I'm doing a skin review of the lovely Boataom skin set for Skin Fair for you today. I also have Slink's Hourglass body on for you as well as the small boobies mod! Gasp, what a change right? Honestly I've wanted this body for quite a while, even just to try it. I'm bad with change as I've said before though, so I wasn't ready to make the leap. However, I do think this was a nice change. The curves of the Hourglass body are really nice and I adore it much more than I thought I would. The small boobs are really cute too. Even on the highest setting for breasts (which I'm showing you), they're still decently small and nice. The only downside with Hourglass for me is that Maitreya has much more support clothing-wise (I honestly wish it were the other way around, I miss when Slink was the main go-to), and so I will probably wear that most of the time. I will try to mix it up every once in a while though, because this really is a nice body. Anywho, BT does a lot of skins that I happen to love, and Alexandra (this skin) was no exception. It has a very doll-like/bjd appearance to it. I haven't done those kind of looks in a while, but this would be perfect for it. The names of the tones in the pack I received almost suggested it to be incomplete because of the appliers for the body, but maybe I'm mistaken? It did come with a bunch of brow options and I added some of the lip colors as well. There's also a cleavage/non cleavage option with the body appliers. Either way, I'm showing you what I was given, so I hope you like it!

{ credits }

Augment | Slink Physique Hourglass Petite Chest Augment V1.01 @ skin fair NEW
Backdrop | MINIMAL - Illuminate Backdrop RARE #1
Bindi | :Moon Amore: Dark Moon Bindi (Onyx)
Brows | 
-SU!- Essential Eyebrows +CATWA APPLIER+ skin fair NEW
Choker | REIGN.- Tattoo Choker Necklace (SPellbound) BLACK
Dress | Bossie. zippered latex dress [SH] - black @ whore couture
Eyelashes | Bossie. flirty eyelashes [catwa] skin fair NEW
Eyeliner | -SU!- Monochrome Eyeshadow +CATWA APPLIER+ skin fair NEW
Eyes | amara beauty - Bliss Eyes - CATWA appliers skin fair NEW
Feet | Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet Deluxe 2.6
Hair | [monso] My Hair - Jenny @
Hairbases | Just Magnetized - Basic Hairbase - set 20 for CATWA
Just Magnetized - Special Hairbase set 05 for CATWA @ skin fair NEW
Hands | Slink Hands - Dynamic - Female V1.5
Lashes | BT: Mesh Eyelashes GIFT skin fair NEW
Lipsticks | -SU!- Leandra Lipstick 01 +CATWA APPLIER+ skin fair NEW
BT:Alexandra Lipstick"Catwa" Appliers. 
skin fair NEW
Mesh Body | Slink Physique Mesh Body Hourglass V2.05
Pose | Kirin - Kumi Pose 6
Sandals | l&e Obsession sandals - black (Slink high + Phys v2) NEW
Skins | BT:Alexandra "Catwa" Appliers. (with Slink body appliers) 
skin fair NEW
Stole | Moon Elixir - Adore - Maitreya - Fur Stole
Tattoo | 
*.:Shake:.* Tattoo Applier Hindi skin fair NEW
13 Mar 2018