Sunday, November 4, 2018

Hello lovelies! With the clocks being set back an hour this morning, it gave me more time to get stuff done I guess. I thought I got up early but had already forgotten about the time change. Sometimes it takes me several hours to blog, and sometimes I get it done fairly early so I can play games the rest of the day (or do whatever). I already had most of this look in mind before I put it together, so that probably helped as well. Yesterday I was pretty much out all day and that had me exhausted/ready for bed early, but I got some things, including a new pair of boots that are really comfy. My mom also got me some shirts for Christmas that I got to pick out myself. Then when I got home later, I played some games with my new group of pals til I was ready for sleep. So that was fun! I've actually been playing with said group of friends since I took off some time for myself (and some of them I've already known a while) so it's not really "new", persay. But doing that helped me heal a lot faster I think, so I'm thankful that I spent my time off that way.

Today I have some goods from Cherry House, Lomomo and Silvery K! There are other things as well, but that was the main focal point of today's look, which is lolita/rococo themed. I got excited when I first heard of the new event Gothical (which is what these are for), due to it being lolita-themed. Lolita seems to be lacking since mesh took over. Hope you like!

{ credits }

Aurealis Beauty. CATWA. Predator eyes. Shade #9 @ limit8
Cherry House-Girl furniture- (Decorative bird & book//Decorative painting group//Pink single sofa//Pink table lamp//Pink three-seat sofa-RARE//Potted plant//Round coffee table//Sofa side table) @ gothical NEW
[OUAN hunt] Insomnia Angel . pose set "spell" (greed)
Just Magnetized - Eye Blush for CATWA @ kinky event NEW
[LomomoHair] Aria @ gothical NEW
[Lomomo] Marie Heels / Maitreya @ gothical NEW
[Lomomo] Marie socks / Maitreya (gift) gothical NEW
:: MOMOCHUU :: CATWA skin applier - Catty - Sugar  tea
:Moon Amore: Antoinette Nails - Maitre Beige
*N*BirdCage - Rose white
*N*BirdCage - Wisteria wht @ fantasy gacha carnival open nov 7th
*:..Silvery K..:*Rococo Girl Gacha (#01-Bonnet(Pink)//#06-Choker(Pink)//#10-Dress(Pink)//#15-Cuffs(Pink)) @ gothical NEW
04 Nov 2018