Monday, December 17, 2018

Ah.. I guess I'm back into the "late night blogging" again. I was trying very much to avoid it so I could fit in multiple posts per day if needed. Some things can't be helped I suppose, especially since I was up until 8AM this morning and woke up late because of it. I tried to blog earlier, but couldn't get myself in the mood. Of course, everything comes to me later at night, as usual.

Today's items are a decor post, as planned! I was originally just going to post it to my tumblr, but I feel like even if I just do a decor post at this point, putting it on my blog is a good idea as well. Today I've mostly got goodies for Christmas Around the World, but there are some other miscellaneous things as well such as from the Arcade. Christmas is almost a week away now! I have all my presents wrapped up and cards are sent. I just have to have waifu's box mailed at this point. Are you guys excited? I am! By the way, here's more photos of the build I'm using for this setup. I don't want to post too many full photos in the blog because it'll clutter it up (and they're not the same size), so they are there for you to click on.

{ credits }

Apple Fall Rolling Pins Assorted
.BASIL. Alice Sofa
[Black Bantam] Once Upon A Time Green Grumpy Baby Gacha Set (Pine Needles And Ribbon Decor//Seasons Cupcake Decor//The Fringes Chair Brown) the arcade
*~ by Nacht ~ Norwegian Cottage christmas around the world
CMYK// 3. Cozy winter (red)
CMYK// Let's X-MAS PARTY (3//4)
crate Red Racer Sled Shelf ~ LTD Day 14 Gift
dust bunny . brunch . dish towels
dust bunny . homemade summer treats (chocolate chips//cooling cookies//recipe book)
dust bunny . marshmellow jar
dust bunny . miniature village shelf
dust bunny . mug tree . type a
dust bunny . string lights . white . type a
dust bunny . syrup dispensers
dust bunny . tea kettle
[FOURTH WALL] Winter Watercolour Frames LTD gift
:HAIKEI: Seeing all the lights on / GACHA / ({2}//{7}//{8})
+Half-Deer+ Soiree Curtains - White Gold Dots - Tied
MICHAN - Nastar And Sweets [gold] christmas around the world
MudHoney Netherlands Christmas Decor (Antique Speculaas Mold//Canal House Tealight Wh 1-
5//Windmill Snowglobe) @ christmas around the world
okidoki =) choco love - flour set RARE
.random.Matter. - Disaster Kitchen (Mixer [White]//Utensils)
[[RH]] Wooden desk
SAYO - Cocoa Concoctions (Macaroons//Milk Jugs) the arcade
Second Spaces - Cozy Corner (radiator//things on top) @ collabor88
*Second Spaces* Ready to Bake (canisters//mixing bowls//spices & flavorings)
Second Spaces - You Light Up My Ladder
Stockholm&Lima:Reconstructed Coffee Table
tarte. holiday twig vase
tarte. lighted terrarium (gold)
tarte. polished stone light (gold)
*Tentacio* After school backpack @ equal10
*Tentacio* DIY fatpack @ kustom9
*Tentacio* Little things tablet @ the arcade
The Secret Store - Folk Carpet
{vespertine} baked cinnabuns
{vespertine}- messy lights in box
{vespertine}- starry fairylights in opened deco box
{vespertine}- my quirky corner / leaning door - 2
Wednesday[+] ~ Cold Days (Christmas Tree//Mini Fridge//Sugar Cookies) the arcade
Wednesday[+] ~ Rainy Days (Bag//Tablet)
17 Dec 2018