Sunday, December 23, 2018

Hey guys! You haven't seen the last of me.. but soon to be, I guess? I know today's post isn't Christmas related! Everytime I think I'm one step closer to my break more stuff comes up that I forgot about. Haha -slowly melts into a puddle- Shortly after I finish my regular blog posts, more events are coming. So NO BREAK FOR ME. It does give me some strength to keep the quality up for each post some how. I have liked nearly all the posts I put out! So I guess that's a plus. It is nearly Christmas as we speak in just two short days, are you guys excited?

Today I've got some more goodies from AsteroidBox (sorry it's a bit late) and Imaginarium before that closes up at the end of the month. I will have one more post of that for you guys before the month comes to a close. Hope you enjoy! And here's an extra shot of the decor by itself. <3 I had a lot of fun making my own windlight for this.

{ credits }

CMYK// dont mess up my tempo (gray) @ access
:CP: Clarissa Cassette (Caddy//Lights)
*Tentacio* violin (epiphany birthday box)
Rassuel-Music Room (Beer Cooler//Beer Refrigerator SOI//Cassette table//Chair shelf//Guitar Chair//Microphone Lamp//Speakers) @ imaginarium
Stockholm&Lima: Skyline Lights
Wednesday[+] ~ Pink Devil ~ Bed
[ zerkalo ] Music is Life (Guitar Lamp//Guitar - RARE//Musical Notes - Dark//Record Player Stand//Record Table//Rug)

outfit details.
alaskametro<3 "Alicia" face skin in Tone 2 - Catwa
AsteroidBox. Festive Spirit (Body Lights - Mait - Pink Light//Boots w/ Socks - Mait - Black//Sweater Dress + Skirt - Maitreya -  Torn) @ epiphany
{CowTea} ShyGirlsClub [Bento] Pose #5a
lock&tuft - vonne
[ MUDSKIN ]_Chae-young#Lovely Liptint

You can also view the post at GimmeGacha's wordpress.
23 Dec 2018