.ARISE. x ENIGMA Val Choker / Pink_Silver
[^.^Ayashi^.^] Ksanna hair
*EverGlow* Frost 08
{Imeka} Sweet Winter Dress @ collabor88
REIGN.- Knit Gloves - Black
{S0NG} :: Pam~ Dark Brown Eye
WarPaint* Pixie lashes [Catwa]
Wednesday[+] ~ Taeyeon Eyebrows
A Second Life blog about fashion and decor from Sooyun Ichtama's point of view!
{ credits }{anc} Merry Snowflakes (white)[^.^Ayashi^.^] Fubuki hair | kawaii secretsEliavah ~ Hime S...Read more
{ credits }.ARISE. Sparkle Eyeshadow GENUS Applier{Buing} Cindy hair. @ tannenbaum NEWcheezu. c...Read more
{ credits }.ARISE. Lipstick Addon GENUSBlume. Boo Plushie - Coal V3 @ sanarae+Half-Deer+ Bat W...Read more
{ credits } .ARISE. Amelia Rings (black) .ARISE. x MUSED Heart Earring V1 / 2 AsteroidBox. S...Read more
{ credits } .ARISE. Lipstick Addon GENUS [ Conviction ] Hexem Choker - Labels DOUX - Tainy H...Read more
{ credits } .ARISE. Amelia Rings (black) .ARISE. Face Moles CATWA [^.^Ayashi^.^] Ya...Read more
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